Goals • March 1, 2024

March 2024 Goals

Can you believe we are already three months into 2024? This year really seems to be flying by, which shows that when we are having fun and doing what we love, time seems to pass more quickly. 

If you have not tried a Sculptness® Fitness class yet, I encourage you to join in on the fun and try one this month! You will be amazed at the effect that having a fitness routine has on your health and achieving your goals. 

With March comes the start of spring, so let us take this opportunity to blossom into our best selves!

March 2024 Goals


I love reading books. However, I get so sleepy while reading that it makes it very hard to read a lot in one setting. The alternative to fit in reading is to listen to an audiobook. Listening to audiobooks while driving and out and about is productive multitasking! Although I’m not big on multitasking, this is one instance where I love it.

My favorite book topics are business, health, and wellness. What are some of your favorite audiobooks?

March 2024 Goals


Drinking enough water is essential for good health. I go with the rule of thumb of drinking half the amount of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you would drink 60 ounces of water. This number can vary depending on the type of food you consume throughout the day.

Getting the proper amount of water each day can be difficult. One of my favorite tips that I like to use to get my water in is to get a big water cup and fill it up. For the Stanley Cup fans, they know what I’m talking about! 

Those 40-ounce cups are great because you only have to fill them up twice, which makes it easy to track your water intake. I find that with 8-16 ounce cups, it’s hard for me to keep track. After drinking four, five, or six glasses of water, I lose count and I’m not sure how much water I’ve had throughout the day.

March 2024 Goals


I implemented the no phone or computer in the first hour of waking up back in January. This by far has been my favorite goal that I have set for myself with the most profound impact. At first, it was tough not to reach for my phone within that first hour (mostly out of habit), but since I have stopped picking up my phone, I have transformed my mornings. Now, I have the power to set the tone for my day and focus on my goals with a clear mind.

If you have not already tried this one, I highly recommend it!

March 2024 Goals


We have made it to March!! Spring is right around the corner. I love this time of year when the weather begins to change. Spending time outside is a great way to get your vitamin D, get some fresh air, and change up your environment. My goal for March is to get out there enjoy nature, and take walks outside. 

I find that in the wintertime, it is very tough to get outside because it’s just so cold that spending any length of time outside is just not fun. Last month, I made a goal to walk outside once a week in February, in the Midwest! Well, the Universe must have been listening because the weather was fabulous for February! It was warm, and the sun was shining, which made it so enjoyable to get out there, play with the dog, and go on walks.

March 2024 Goals


For March, I’m making it a goal to have more home-cooked meals, taking the time to slow down, enjoy the process of cooking, and soak in the accomplishment of fueling my body with good food/fuel.

I love a great home-cooked meal. I think sometimes in society, we fall into the trap of being on the go all the time that we feel like we are short on time and need to grab something quick. 

One of my favorite things to make is homemade bread, especially a baguette. Nothing else compares! Period. End of story. There are no fillers or junk ingredients. It is just flour, a couple of pinches of salt, water, and yeast. Simple, clean ingredients are the way to go in any meal. 

What are some of your favorite home-cooked meals that you enjoyed making?

Sculptness Cover Photo of Colorful Kettlebells

March 2024 Goals


For March, I plan on working out 4 to 5 days per week. On the days that I’m not working out, I will either have an active recovery day or a true rest day. Rest days are vital in any workout program as they allow your muscles to recover. Active recovery days look like a gentle yoga flow or a nice walk outside. My advice to anyone working out is to listen to their body and determine whether they need a complete rest day or an active recovery day. It’s important to note that continuing to push your body without taking enough recovery days will not translate to faster or better results. 

March 2024 Goals


It’s so easy to put others and priorities ahead of ourselves. There is nothing wrong with caring for others and other priorities, but it’s also important to remember to take some time for yourself. This allows you to reset and show up as your best version. 

Let’s make Self-Care Sunday a thing! I tried this one time last month when I set aside a little time on a Sunday morning, and it was fabulous. I dedicated the part of the day to focusing on my self-care. I used a fascia blaster (I am still trying it out, so ask my opinion later). Also, I used an ice roller on my face, which was relaxing, and I found that it reduced the appearance of wrinkles. Lastly, I took the time to get dressed up and styled my hair, and by the time my self-care Sunday time was up, I felt incredible. 

I encourage you to dedicate a set amount of time for yourself, even if it’s 5-10 minutes. 

Do you currently have a Self-Care routine?

March 2024 Goals


This month, I’m spending at least 2-3 days per week to continue learning to play the guitar. It is so good for our brain and mental health to learn a new skill. I ordered a couple of Taylor Swift guitar books and plan on taking online lessons. I can’t wait to be able to play a whole song. Give yourself permission to be a beginner at something, enjoy the process, and most importantly, have fun! 

Has there been something you want to try or learn?

Now that you have seen my goals for this month, I would love to hear what some of yours are. This is your time to become the best version of yourself by making attainable goals that cause you to grow and feel your best. In addition to making goals, I highly encourage you to focus on incorporating physical exercise into your routine, as it has a positive ripple effect on all aspects of your lives and can even help with clarity in achieving your goals. 

Remember to keep me posted on your goals and progress.