Tips • Goals • August 1, 2024

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

We've all been there. We feel like we can't possibly fit one more task in our busy schedule, let alone a workout. But have you noticed that when we have all day to do a task, it takes all day? Yet, when we're in a crunch, we complete the same task much faster. Sounds familiar, right?

That is known as Parkinson's Law, which states that work (or the task) expands to fill the time available for completion. So if we have all day, it takes all day.

Given that our work (or task) expands to fill the time, there is a 99% chance we can fit in that workout!

In addition to having the time, we experience less stress, better focus, and mental clarity after completing a workout. It may sound counterintuitive, but putting our bodies through controlled physical stress (better known as exercise) reduces and gets rid of our mental stress, which may be freezing us up or contributing to procrastination. Procrastination is the BFF of Parkinson's law.

Below are my tips for kicking Parkinson's Law and Procrastination to the curb when completing your workout and reaching your goals!

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

Start with 5 Min.

Even a short session can make a huge difference; often, more times than not, once you get going, you will want to extend your workout time, and if you don't, you just worked out five more minutes than you would have if you hadn't started at all. You might wonder if it's even worth doing just five minutes. The answer is yes! You will get a little boost in your body and mind in that short time, and that is why I say that once you've started, there is a good chance you will likely challenge yourself to do a little more 😉

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

Go for it! Set Aside the Time

Okay, I know this one is easier said than done, but sometimes you must go for it to make it happen! Don't spend more time debating about working out than actually doing it.

Have you ever sat there and debated about working out?

You know the conversation that goes something like this:
I have to get my workout clothes on. Oh, wait, I'm already wearing the yoga pants, LOL. Where is my fitness equipment? Ugg- I have to dig that out. Do I even have the space to work out? The toys are everywhere! What about my hair? Oh no, not the hair! What if I get sweaty? Should I shower before or after?

The thought train goes on and on, and the sinking feeling sets in that the amount of time you spent debating your workout prevented you from starting and getting it done.

In the past, I've been guilty of this, and my #1 tip for getting out of the funk is to set yourself up for success the night before by locating your yoga mat and any equipment, having the clothes ready, and lastly, not wasting time debating if you should work out. Do not entertain the voice saying, "I'll just start Monday." Start now!

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

Do it First Thing in the Morning

Make working out the first task of the day. By prioritizing your workout, you will have it done and over with before you know it! I like this tip because completing the workout first thing will eliminate fretting about when to fit it in and the typical distractions that pop up as the day goes on. Completing the workout in the morning will set the tone for the rest of the day and give you a little extra motivation!

Are you looking for a new workout? Try our 7-day free trial to get you started on the right foot. No matter if you have 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or more, we got a workout for you!

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts


In a crunch, multi-tasking can be a clever way of getting that workout in. Consider adding exercise moves to activities such as cleaning or watching TV. You can even add some wrist and ankle weights to amp it up when cleaning the house, on the phone, or walking around. If you don't want to multi-task while doing actual work, consider working out while watching TV, or when the commercial break hits.

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

Have a Dance Party!

Let me let you in on a little secret- you will not always feel "motivated" to exercise, and that is normal, but your dedication and understanding of how your mind works will help you to get moving when the motivation is low. Start by blasting your favorite tunes. This is *almost always* guaranteed to get you rolling. Try to listen to NYSNC's Bye, Bye, Bye, and tell me you're not going to be dancing 😂 The dance party is the perfect warm-up to jump-start your workout. Let's get those tunes cranked up, and I can't wait to see you on the mat!

6 Tips For Overcoming Parkinson's Law to Achieve Your Goals & Workouts

Treat your Workout Just Like Any of Your Other Appointments

Scheduling your workout like any other appointment will help you to show up! Currently, my favorite style of planner is the type that breaks the day out hour by hour. I will plan (usually on Sunday) how much time I am going to dedicate to each task and appointment, including my workout. This helps prevent a task from taking longer than necessary. Scheduling is also a great way of not letting your mood dictate if you feel like working out.

Now that you know about Parkinson's Law and how to overcome it, you can better prevent it from getting in the way of your workouts and goals! Remember, you've got this!

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