Tips • January 11, 2024

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day

Who knew we had a National Quitter's Day? I just found out about this day on the radio. It falls on the second Friday of the year because that is when nearly 80% of people have given up on their resolutions and goals from New Year's! Which is crazy if you think about it.

So let's change that!!

If you've made it to today and your goals seem a little shaky, or you've taken a break from your New Year's resolution (see what I did there...just a BREAK... no quitting around here), let's re-evaluate and tap back into your motivation so you can stay the course!

I love the quote that says, "You cannot fail if you don't quit!" However, it is fair to say that sometimes our goals need to be realigned and broken down into smaller, more achievable steps, or we may need to refocus our efforts.

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day


If you haven't already purchased a planner for this year, I am telling you to stop what you are doing right now and find a planner that works for you. There are so many choices! Some calendars are monthly and weekly, while others have the day broken down hour by hour. Writing down and scheduling your priorities makes a huge difference in achieving your goals.

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day


Sunday is my planning day! It allows me to regroup and plan for the upcoming week. I schedule my workouts, what I want to eat, and what I want to accomplish for the week. Writing down and scheduling what I am going to accomplish for that week keeps me accountable. I block out time for tasks that aid in accomplishing my bigger goals.

As perfect as planning is, sometimes life happens, and things come up that are out of our control. When this happens, I like to utilize my contingency plan that allows me to move my daily tasks around as needed, while still staying focused on what needs to be accomplished to achieve my long-term goals. Staying committed and flexible is one way that helps me to stay on course.

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day


Start small to build momentum! It can be as simple as making your bed or any other small task that can easily be crossed off your list. Think of something that takes you less than 5 minutes to complete and that you can accomplish even on your busiest of days. It's amazing how one small positive achievement can set you up for achieving another task, and another, and before you know it, you are on a roll!

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day


Sometimes all we need is a change in scenery. It gets us out of our heads and allows us to gain a new perspective, helping us find new motivation and inspiration! Next time you are feeling less than motivated, try getting out of the house and taking a break!

5 Tips On How To Overcome National Quitter's Day


Sharing your goals with supportive friends and family is a great way of keeping yourself accountable. Also, it's important to only share those goals with people who support you as there is nothing worse than having your parade rained on by someone else's negativity. Remember, just because they don't share your vision doesn't mean you aren't going to achieve it! Join in on the fun by sharing some of your goals on our monthly goals post at the first of each month on Social Media.

I hope at least one of these tips resonates and helps you achieve your goals and make it past National Quitter's Day!!