Sculptness Bands

Goals • May 1, 2024

May 2024 Goals

I love sharing my monthly goals with you all. It allows me to check in with myself and get focused on my daily habits, but my ultimate hope in sharing is that it gives you all some ideas of goals that you might like to incorporate.

Sculptness Crunch with Ankle Weights

May 2024 Goals


When it comes to feeling good and energized, nothing beats working out! For me, fitness isn't something I have to do, it's something I get to do because I love how it makes me feel. However, if you are reading this and thinking that's not me, I'm not crazy about working out. It's possible you haven't found the right workout style or program that suits you, yet.

It's also worth noting that the first couple of workouts will always be some of the most challenging. This is especially true if you've taken a long break or have fallen out of your workout routine. 

If you have not tried a Sculptness® Fitness class yet, I encourage you to join in on the fun and try one this month! You will be amazed at the effect that having a fitness routine has on your health and achieving your goals. 

May 2024 Goals


Deep breathing is such a good practice for calming the nervous system. It's also a great way to bring fresh oxygen into our bodies. 

It's so easy to get into the bad habit of shallow breathing. When this happens, we are not using our whole system. I like to think of this daily deep breathing exercise as the equivalent of opening all the windows in your house to change out the air. 

In yoga, breathing is described as adding life force to the body. So when we take nice, big deep breaths, we are adding life force and enhancing our well-being. You may notice a sense of calm and clarity after practicing deep breathing.

Your deep breathing practice can start with 30 or 60 seconds and gradually increase to 90 seconds and beyond.

sculptness stainless steel water bottle

May 2024 Goals


I can't stress enough how important it is to prioritize drinking water. This is especially essential when working out, sweating, or spending time outside. If plain water isn't your jam, you may want to flavor your water by infusing it with a lemon or your favorite fruit. 

We must replenish our bodies to survive or in my case, avoid getting a kidney stone. In college, I was in a super competitive process of getting into my major, and unfortunately, I stressed myself out. This coupled with not drinking enough water, was the perfect storm that landed me in the hospital with a kidney stone. 

 Needless to say, I learned the hydration lesson the hard way. So, make sure you take the time to drink water! Nothing is more important than your health. 

May 2024 Goals


Lately, I've struggled to go to bed early. My bedtime kept getting later, which made getting up early hard. I was caught in the cycle of being productive late at night, which unfortunately, came back and bit me the next day. Have you ever been caught in this type of cycle? Well, I'm ready to break it.

For this month, I would like to focus on an earlier bedtime. I will take a few days to gradually back down the time, but ultimately, I'm thinking no later than 10:30 pm Sunday through Thursday. Of course, I would ideally like to have an earlier bedtime, but I want to set a realistic goal that is achievable for myself.

May 2024 Goals


No excuses. The weather is so wonderful this time of year. It is a perfect way to get some Vitamin D. 

For Sculptness®, I am planning on getting outside and filming some on-location classes!

May 2024 Goals


I'm excited to start growing lettuce. I'm planning on using an Aerogarden. I've done it in the past, and it's a great way to get a fresh salad.

Besides lettuce, I also want to explore other vegetables that can be grown at home. What are some of the veggies you've had success with growing?

LOL Keep in mind in the past, I haven't had a green thumb. RIP air plant.

May 2024 Goals


There is just something special about a home-cooked meal. Yes, it takes more energy and planning, but it's a great way to control what you are eating. And sometimes home cooking just has the missing ingredient that is missing when you order out... LOVE.

Over the past couple of years, I've become so frustrated with going out to eat to only be disappointed in the actual food and/or service. Today, there seems to be a widespread issue of a lack of pride when it comes to food handling and service. It's not everywhere, but when you run into it. It leaves you with a bad taste (no pun intended). 

When I cook at home, I put love into every dish I make. I know what I'm putting in my body, and frankly, it just tastes better. I also think the (fast) food options, I had growing up are not the same food choices I have today. Although it might be the same meal, the ingredients and oils are not the same as they once were. I can tell that they don't settle well in my body. 

I love the saying, if you don't take the time to focus on your health, you will be forced to spend time on your illness. The month of May is all about prioritizing health so we can show up as our best version every day!

For the month of May, what are some of your tips and goals on how you are prioritizing your health? I would love to hear them!